
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jat1 gung6
Character Meaning:
one; as soon as; once
common; general; communist party; together; altogether
Part of Speech: adverb
totally; in total; altogether
(Cant.) ni1go3jyut6sik6faan6daap3ce1jat1gung6jung6zo2saam1cin1man1
(Eng.) This month I spent a total of three thousand dollars dining and travelling.
(Cant.) siu2ze2ni1dou6jat1gung6300saam1 baak3man1
(Eng.) Miss, it's a total of 300 dollars.
Synonym: Synonym: 總共
See also: 前後 頭尾 total 總共 總和 總計 共計 前前後後 合共 最少 總共 總計 至少 萬紫千紅 萬變不離其宗 連中三元 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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