
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zung2 gung6
Character Meaning:
eventually; after all; association; overall; total; chief; head
common; general; communist party; together; altogether
Part of Speech: adverb
(of numbers) totally; altogether
(Cant.) ngo5tung4keoi5ge3cin2gaa1maai4zung2gung6jau5saam1baak3baat3sap6man1
(Eng.) The amount of money he and I have altogether is 380 dollars.
(Cant.) ni1bun2man4zaap6zung2gung6sau1zo2sap6pin1gu2zai2
(Eng.) There are altogether ten stories in this collection.
Synonym: Synonym: 一共
See also: 完全 通通 悉數 total 頭尾 一共 前後 一共 共計 合共 大約 平方公尺 平方根 最少 總計 至少 萬變不離其宗 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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