
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cin4 hau6
Character Meaning:
front; ago; before; earlier; used as a suffix; ex-; forward; preceding; pioneering; open; trending
back; after; behind; rear; last; afterwards; later; post-
Part of Speech: noun
  • front and behind
    (Cant.) gaan1uk1cin4hau6dou1zung3zo2di1syu6hai2dou6
    (Eng.) Trees are planted both in front of and behind the house.

  • around (a period of time)
    (Cant.) san1nin4cin4hau6hou2do1jan4gwo3gwaan1gaa3
    (Eng.) Many people cross the border around the Lunar New Year.

See also: 四圍 四周圍 周圍 之前 之後 先前 其間 前園 後庭 後會有期 時至今日 此後 隨後 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: cin4 hau6
Character Meaning:
front; ago; before; earlier; used as a suffix; ex-; forward; preceding; pioneering; open; trending
back; after; behind; rear; last; afterwards; later; post-
Part of Speech: adverb
from start to finish; in total
(Cant.) ni1hong6gung1cing4jau5dung6gung1dou3jyun4gung1cin4hau6jung6zo2ng5nin4si4gaan3
(Eng.) From the beginning of construction to its completion, this project took five years in total.
Synonym: Synonym: 總共
See also: 從頭到尾 頭尾 一共 總和 之前 之後 先前 其間 前園 後庭 後會有期 時至今日 此後 隨後 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License