
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zung2 wo4
Character Meaning:
eventually; after all; association; overall; total; chief; head
and; sum; harmony; total; with; to echo; Japan; Japanese; of Yamato; to mix; to blend; gentle; mild; amiable; harmonious; peaceful; friendly
Part of Speech: noun
(mathematics) sum; total (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) zi6jin4sou3jau4jat1gaa1dou3sap6ge3zung2wo4hai6ng5sap6ng5
(Eng.) The sum of the natural numbers from one to ten is fifty-five.
(Cant.) gung1si1gam1nin4gok3hong6sau1jap6ge3zung2wo4hai6ji6baak3maan6
(Eng.) With all kinds of revenues taken into account, the company's total income this year is two million.
See also: 為起嚟 一共 前後 頭尾 總計 平均值 換句話説 換言之 有過之而無不及 由此可見 相比之下 相當於 眾所周知 總攬 表裏不一 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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