
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lip1
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Loanword
lift; elevator (measure word: 部 / 架)
(Cant.) 搭𨋢daap3 lip1
(Eng.) to take the lift
(Cant.) ceot1𨋢lip1
(Eng.) to get out of the lift
(Cant.) 撳𨋢gam6 lip1
(Eng.) to press the lift button
(Cant.) dang2zo2hou2noi6𨋢lip1
(Eng.) to have waited for a long time for the lift
(Cant.) jat1ceot1𨋢lip1zau6hai6ngo5dei6ge3zip3doi6cyu5
(Eng.) Once you come out of the lift, you will see our reception desk.
See also: 抄襲 扚 提 升降機 提升 海拔 企缸 升降機 幕門 扶手電梯 樓梯 機房 趟門 鎖車 門鐘 電梯 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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