
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sing1 gong3 gei1
Character Meaning:
to rise; litre; sheng; to elevate; to gain; to go up; to raise; to be promoted; to slap one's face
to lower; surrender; to fall; to drop; to decrease; to disparage; to surrender; to defeat
machine; aircraft; aeroplane; chance; opportunity
Part of Speech: noun
lift; elevator (measure word: 部 / 架)
(Cant.) bou6sing1gong3gei1waai6zo2ngo5dei6jiu3haang4lau4tai1
(Eng.) The lift is out of order. We have to walk upstairs.
(Cant.) jyu4jyu6fo2ging2cit3mat6使si2jung6sing1gong3gei1
(Eng.) In case of fire, do not use the lift.
Synonym: Synonym: 𨋢
See also: 抄襲 扚 提 提升 電梯 保姆車 尾機 打樁機 扶手電梯 抽水機 機房 洗手間 硬碟機 遙控車 電梯 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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