
Entry #1
Pronunciation: caau1 zaap6
Character Meaning:
to copy; to jot down; to plagiarise; to take a photo
to inherit
Part of Speech: verb
to plagiarise; to pirate; to lift
(Cant.) 學生抄襲其他人嘅功課,係唔誠實嘅行為。
(Eng.) Plagarising the work of other students is an act of dishonesty.
(Cant.) 海濱公園公共傢俬設計比賽爆出懷疑抄襲事件。
(Eng.) There was a suspicion of plagiarism in the Waterfront Park Public Furniture Design Competition.
Synonym: Synonym: 改編 致敬 跟風
See also: 抄考 扚 提 掀起 文抄公 依傍 偷片 偷腥 剽竊 原創 惡搞 抄底 抄橋 抄考 粗製濫造 造假 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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