
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gwai2
Part of Speech: adverb
  • not (after monosyllabic verbs except mou5); used in a relatively heightened emotional state to negate the patient
    (Cant.) keoi5dou1short shortsot1 sot1dei2ge3ngo5lei5gwai2keoi5
    (Eng.) He is such an imbecile. I've had enough with him.
    (Cant.) fan2hung4sik1zan1hai6hou2leng3lo1hai6gwai2
    (Eng.) A: "Pink is the best color!" B: "Not true."
    (Cant.) keoi5jau5gwai2cin2hai2san1aa4
    (Eng.) He doesn't have any money.
    (Cant.) ngo5lei5gwai2dak1keoi5aa1neoi5zai2dou1hai6gam2waa6gaa3laa3
    (Eng.) I don't give a damn about her, even if she is a girl.
    (Cant.) ngo5sik1gwai2man4hok6me1jyu4lok6zau6sik1ze1
    (Eng.) I know nothing about literature, but I do know a bit about entertainment.
    (Cant.) suk6gwai2ngo5sik1keoi5keoi5m4sik1ngo5zung6jau5aa3ngo5gin3gwo3keoi5jat1ci3gam3daai6baa2zaa3
    (Eng.) Familiar? No way! I know him but he doesn't know me. Plus, I've seen him only once!
    (Cant.) ngaak1gwai2me1
    (Eng.) You can't deceive anybody, can you!
    (Cant.) jan4dei6hoi1m4hoi1sam1gwaan1nei5gwai2si6me1
    (Eng.) Whether others are happy or not is none of your business.

  • used in a relatively heightened emotional state to focus on the negation of the action and, when without subjects, to denote the absence of agents, as an equivalent of indefinite pronouns "nobody" and "no one" in English
    (Cant.) gwai2tung4nei5gong2siu3aa4ji4gaa1
    (Eng.) Nobody is kidding with you now!
    (Cant.) gwai2zi1keoi5gaau2me1zek1
    (Eng.) God knows what he's doing.
    (Cant.) gwai2m4zi1aa3maa1hai6neoi5jan2me1
    (Eng.) Oh, come on, who doesn't know that? (literally 'Ghosts don't know your mum is a woman!')
    (Cant.) gam3naan4ngo5gwai2sik1daap3
    (Eng.) It's so hard, I could never answer that!

  • intensifier following verbs which are usually monosyllabic and transitive, closer than sei2 and suffices to the verb
    (Cant.) keoi5dei6zau2gwai2saai3laai6dai1ngo5jat1go3
    (Eng.) They all goddamn went away and left me behind.
    (Cant.) fung1seon3san4zou2deu6gwai2zo2laa1
    (Eng.) The letter was thrown away a goddamn long time ago.
    (Cant.) keoi5jau6si3waan2gwai2ngo5
    (Eng.) He's making freaking fun of me again.
    (Cant.) faa3go3gam2ge3zong1dou1jau5ge2zan1hai6haak3gwai2sei2jan4lo3
    (Eng.) What kind of makeup is this? So deadly terrifying!
    (Cant.) nei5baan1jau2gam3mou5sau2mei5gaa3tung4ngo5zap1gwai2maai4di1je5keoi5aa3
    (Eng.) You guys are so irresponsible! Goddammit, tidy up all the things (for me)!
    (Cant.) san4zou2gaau2gwai2dim6laa3dang2nei5lai4dou1man1fan3laa1
    (Eng.) It was done a freaking long time ago already. It would've been too late to wait till you were done.

Reference: http://home.uchicago.edu/~andremormora/SuB%20handout.pdf http://jacksonllee.com/papers/BeltramaLee-SuB-paper.pdf http://www.ling.upenn.edu/Events/PLC/plc38/abstracts/Beltrama_Lee_PLC38.pdf
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: gwai2
Part of Speech: noun
  • ghost; spirit (measure word: 隻)
    (Cant.) 猛鬼maang5 gwai2
    (Eng.) fierce ghost
    (Cant.) 女鬼neoi5 gwai2
    (Eng.) female ghost
    (Cant.) gwai2wong4
    (Eng.) king of ghosts (in popular religion)
    (Cant.) 鬼屋gwai2 uk1
    (Eng.) haunted house
    (Cant.) 捉鬼zuk1 gwai2
    (Eng.) to catch a ghost
    (Cant.) gwai2aa3
    (Eng.) Ghost!

  • traitor; spy within an organisation or a camp; the rat
    (Cant.) ngo5waai4ji4ngo5dei6bou6mun4jau5gwai2fong3liu2bei2keoi5dei6
    (Eng.) I suspect that there's a traitor in our department leaking information to them.
    (Cant.) zou6me1m4teng1zi2si6hang4dung6aa3gong2nei5hai6mai6gwai2
    (Eng.) Why don't you follow the instructions? Answer me: Are you the rat?

  • (in ball games of teams, especially football, basketball) an opponent who is trying to steal the ball
    (Cant.) siu2sam1nei5hau6min6jau5gwai2
    (Eng.) Watch out! Someone's behind you.

  • joker (measure word: 隻)
    (Cant.) hai2jau5di1waan2faat3jap6min6daai6gwai2daai6gwo3sai3gwai2
    (Eng.) In some games, the "big Joker" outranks the "little Joker".

See also: 鬼魂 幽魂 朋友仔 氣 魂 奸鬼 反骨仔 內奸 二五仔
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: gwai2
Part of Speech: adjective
  • open to suspicion that one may be a traitor
    (Cant.) tiu4jau2saam1faan1sei3ci3sung1zoeng1bei2deoi3gaa1gwai2dou3baau3
    (Eng.) This dude keeps making moves that benefit the opponent. So suspicious.

  • alike foreigners from the West, especially Caucasians
    (Cant.) keoi5go3joeng2gwai2gwai2dei2
    (Eng.) He/she looks somewhat like a foreigner.

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Entry #4
Pronunciation: gwai2
Part of Speech: distinguishing word
awful; dreadful
(Cant.) 鬼國gwai2 gwok3
(Eng.) underworld; figuratively, awful country of thugs
(Cant.) mai5zoi3lai4ni1go3gwai2dei6fong1laa3seng4dei6laap6saap3
(Eng.) Don't come to this damned place anymore—it's full of garbage.
See also: 難聽 可怕 乞人憎 惡劣 折服 忌憚 恐 懼怕
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #5
Pronunciation: gwai2
Part of Speech: affix
Labels: Slang
  • derogatory or even offensive suffix to mean "person" or "guy"; sometimes also used in mock affectionate irritation
    (Cant.) 屎忽鬼si2 fat1 gwai2
    (Eng.) a general derogative with no specific meaning or gender; literally: ass ghost
    (Cant.) 大嘥鬼daai6 saai1 gwai2
    (Eng.) a derogative term for those that are wasteful; literally: big waste ghost
    (Cant.) 懶鬼laan5 gwai2
    (Eng.) a slacker; literally: lazy ghost
    (Cant.) 酒鬼zau2 gwai2
    (Eng.) a drunktard; literally: alcohol ghost
    (Cant.) 老鬼lou5 gwai2
    (Eng.) a colloquial and/or derogative term for those in a senior position; literally: old ghost
    (Cant.) 嘩鬼waa1 gwai2
    (Eng.) a derogative term against a rowdy crowd; literally: wow ghost
    (Cant.) 衰鬼seoi1 gwai2
    (Eng.) a term expressing irritation, mock affectionate irritation; used to refer to people who are intimate with the speaker; literally: bad ghost

  • a slang against foreigners from the West, especially Caucasians; its derogative tone has softened quite a lot in recent years
    (Cant.) 鬼佬gwai2 lou2
    (Eng.) a man of foreign origin; "gwei lo"; literally: ghost guy
    (Cant.) 鬼婆gwai2 po4
    (Eng.) a woman of foreign origin; literally: ghost granny
    (Cant.) 鬼仔gwai2 zai2
    (Eng.) a boy, or, a young male, of foreign origin; literally: ghost boy
    (Cant.) 鬼妹gwai2 mui1
    (Eng.) a girl, or a young female, of foreign origin; literally: ghost girl
    (Cant.) 黑鬼hak1 gwai1
    (Eng.) slang for those of African descent and with dark skin tone; literally: black ghost

  • infix between adverbs, including gam3, hou2, gei2, ging6 or zeoi3, and adjectives to denote a strong degree
    (Cant.) 咁鬼gam3 gwai2
    (Eng.) so
    (Cant.) 好鬼hou2 gwai2
    (Eng.) so; very
    (Cant.) 幾鬼gei2 gwai2
    (Eng.) quite
    (Cant.) keoi5zan1hai6ging6gwai2gaau2je5ge3zek1
    (Eng.) He really knows how to make things fun.
    (Cant.) ngo5zeoi3gwai2zung1ji3sik6caa1siu1gaa3laak3
    (Eng.) I really do love Chinese style roast pork the most.

  • infix between negation adverbs like m4 and mai5, and verbs / adjectives to intensify negation; "not ... at all"; "extremely not"
    (Cant.) m4gwai2zi1keoi5lai4m4lai4aa3
    (Eng.) How would I know whether she will come?
    (Cant.) tai2keoi5go3joeng2zau6zi1keoi5m4gwai2dim6laa1
    (Eng.) Just by looking at him, you can tell that he's not capable at all.
    (Cant.) mai5gwai2cou4laa1
    (Eng.) Please shut up.
    (Cant.) nei5mai5gwai2seon3keoi5zek1
    (Eng.) You should never ever trust him!

  • affixed to negate any adjective or verb with a positive or affirmative connotation, after its first syllable; "not ... at all"; "extremely not"
    (Cant.) jau5gwai2cin2
    (Eng.) not goddamn rich at all
    (Cant.) do1gwai2ze6
    (Eng.) thank you (with a rising intonation)
    (Cant.) nei5m4hai2keoi5san1bin1keoi5hoi1gwai2sam1aa4
    (Eng.) Without you by her side, how could she really be happy?
    (Cant.) mou5lin6gam3noi6退teoi3bou6zo2hou2do1laa3sai1gwai2lei6me1
    (Eng.) I haven't practiced in a while and I'm quite rusty, not skilled at all.
    (Cant.) cau1dou2ciu1si5lai5hyun3zi1maa3baa1gwai2bai3gam2
    (Eng.) You only got supermarket vouchers from that prize-draw, what's the big deal?
    (Cant.) ngo5seng4gei2廿jaa6seoi3jan4laa3wo3leng3gwai2aa4mai5tam3ngo5laa1
    (Eng.) I'm middle-aged already and you call me gorgeous? Come on, don't flatter me.

  • infix used to strengthen the negative connotation after the first syllable of certain non-positive adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, or predicate-object compound verbs
    (Cant.) maa4gwai2faan4
    (Eng.) to be very troublesome
    (Cant.) kau4gwai2kei4
    (Eng.) to be very venial
    (Cant.) fai3gwai2si6
    (Eng.) to not be bothered
    (Cant.) haak1gwai2sam1
    (Eng.) to be very evil
    (Cant.) laat6gwai2taat3
    (Eng.) to be very dirty
    (Cant.) juk6gwai2syun1
    (Eng.) to be very ugly or a real drab
    (Cant.) wat6gwai2dat6
    (Eng.) to be very disgusting
    (Cant.) do1gwai2jyu4
    (Eng.) to be very redundant
    (Cant.) mou4gwai2liu4
    (Eng.) to express the trivialty and meaninglessness of something
    (Cant.) lou5gwai2tou2
    (Eng.) to be very unfashionable
    (Cant.) zi6gwai2si1
    (Eng.) to be very selfish
    (Cant.) ci1gwai2gan1
    (Eng.) to be bat-shit insane
    (Cant.) ci1gwai2sin3
    (Eng.) to be bat-shit insane
    (Cant.) mou5gwai2jung6
    (Eng.) to be completely useless
    (Cant.) mung4gwai2caa4caa4
    (Eng.) to have a very muddled state of mind
    (Cant.) si6gwai2laan6daan6
    (Eng.) whatso-freaking-ever
    (Cant.) seng4gwai2jat6
    (Eng.) for something to happen in an annoyingly high frequency
    (Cant.) mat1gwai2
    (Eng.) what the heck
    (Cant.) me1gwai2
    (Eng.) what the heck
    (Cant.) mat1gwai2je5
    (Eng.) what the heck
    (Cant.) bin1gwai2go3
    (Eng.) who the hell
    (Cant.) bin1gwai2dou6
    (Eng.) where the hell
    (Cant.) dim2gwai2joeng2
    (Eng.) how the hell
    (Cant.) dim2gwai2gaai2
    (Eng.) why the hell
    (Cant.) bin1gwai2
    (Eng.) which the hell (preceding quantifiers e.g. bun2)
    (Cant.) dim2gwai2
    (Eng.) how the hell ... (preceding verbs e.g. zi1, syun3, zou6 or gaau2)
    (Cant.) jat1nam2hei2keoi5zau6gik1gwai2hei3
    (Eng.) I get really upset whenever I think of him.
    (Cant.) fung1seon3tung4zoeng1soeng2lau4lai4zaan2guk1gwai2hei3
    (Eng.) Keeping the letters and photos only makes me angrier!
    (Cant.) coi2keoi5dou1saai1gwai2hei3
    (Eng.) Responding to him/paying him any attention is a waste of time.

Reference: http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/Y10-1102
See also: 春 非常 厲害
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