
Entry #1
Pronunciation: paa3
Part of Speech: verb
  • to be afraid of; to fear; to dread
    (Cant.) keoi5hou2paa3haak1
    (Eng.) He's afraid of the dark.
    (Cant.) ngo5m4paa3gwai2
    (Eng.) I am not afraid of ghosts.

  • to dislike; to hate
    (Cant.) ngo5zeoi3paa3hoeng1gong2haa6tin1jau6sap1jau6jit6
    (Eng.) I hate summers in Hong Kong; they're wet and hot.
    (Cant.) ngo5hou2paa3di1jan4faan4ngo5
    (Eng.) I don't like people pestering me.

  • to worry; to be afraid (that)
    (Cant.) keoi5beng6dak1hou2jim4zung6nei5ji4gaa1m4faan1lai4gin3keoi5ngo5paa3ji5hau6mou5gei1wui6laa3
    (Eng.) He's seriously ill, and if you don't come back to see him now, I'm afraid you may not have another chance.
    (Cant.) keoi5dou1m4tung4nei5gong2je5tai2paa3nei5dou1mou5gei1
    (Eng.) He doesn't talk to you, I'm afraid you have no chance (to be his lover or friend).

Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 忌 慌 恐 懼怕 討厭 嫌棄 憎
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