
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jam1 mau4
Character Meaning:
cloudy; to trick; to trap; to betray; to treat; bangs or fringe; the Moon; dim; not bright; underworld; hidden; secret; female; genitalia
plan; strategy; to seek; to plot; to plan; to plan to seize
Part of Speech: noun
conspiracy; plot; scheme (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) jam1mau4gwai2gai3
(Eng.) crafty plots and machinations
(Cant.) nei5seng4jat6waa6jan4dei6jau5jam1mau4dou1m4zi1hai6mai6jau5bei6hoi6mong5soeng2zing3
(Eng.) I wonder if you might have paranoia, as you always suspect others of plotting against you.
See also: 奸計 密謀 串謀 方案 計劃 心計 企圖 不可告人 內奸 反間計 密謀 幕後黑手 狡詐 老謀 處心積慮 計謀 詭計 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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