
Entry #1
Pronunciation: maai6
Part of Speech: verb
  • to sell; to vend
    (Cant.) 賣出maai6 ceot1
    (Eng.) to sell
    (Cant.) 義賣ji6 maai6
    (Eng.) charity sales
    (Cant.) 賣唱maai6 coeng3
    (Eng.) to sing for a living
    (Cant.) keoi5maai6zo2zi1bat1bei2ngo5
    (Eng.) He sold me a pen.
    (Cant.) ni1zek3jam2ban2gei2hou2maai6
    (Eng.) This drink sells well.
    (Cant.) jat1go3ping4gwo2maai6loeng2man1
    (Eng.) Apples are sold for two dollars each.

  • (of newspapers and TV news) to report; to publish
    (Cant.) gam1jat6di1bou3zi2jau5maai6cam4jat6daan1gip3on3
    (Eng.) Today's newspapers published yesterday's robbery case.

  • to betray
    (Cant.) 賣國maai6 gwok3
    (Eng.) to betray the country; to commit treason
    (Cant.) 賣港maai6 gong2
    (Eng.) to betray Hong Kong

See also: 銷 放 售賣 沽 報告 舉報 呈報 申報 登 發表 披露 反水 出賣
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