
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fan1 fan1 zung1
Character Meaning:
to divide; component; mark; point; cent; penny; 0.1 dime; a unit of length; 1/8 inch; unit of land area; (geometry) minute; 1/60 of a degree; 0.01 tael; one-tenth; to split; to share; to distribute; to distinguish
to divide; component; mark; point; cent; penny; 0.1 dime; a unit of length; 1/8 inch; unit of land area; (geometry) minute; 1/60 of a degree; 0.01 tael; one-tenth; to split; to share; to distribute; to distinguish
clock; bell; electric doorbell; hour; time
Part of Speech: adverb
  • probably; possibly; maybe
    (Cant.) keoi5deoi3nei5gam3hou2fan1fan1zung1zung1ji3zo2nei5aa3
    (Eng.) He treats you so well. He probably likes you (romantically).
    (Cant.) bou6sau2gei1gam3gwai2peng4fan1fan1zung1hai6ji6sau2fo3
    (Eng.) The phone is so cheap. It might be a second-hand item.

  • at all times
    (Cant.) jau5liu5nei5hoi1sam1di1fan1fan1zung1seoi1jiu3nei5
    (Eng.) Time spent with you is happier, I need you at all times.

Synonym: Synonym: 隨時
See also: 多數 隨時 多半 有望 説不定 或許 或者 人老珠黃 唔湯唔水 屌你老母 左擁右抱 捉蟲入屎忽 橫睇掂睇 痴撚線 老老實實 計我話 話不投機半句多 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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