
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jing1 sing4
Character Meaning:
should; respond; ought to; to answer; to respond; to act against; to echo; fully accurate; completely fit; exact
to receive from above; to inherit; to undertake
Part of Speech: verb
to promise; to make a commitment; to agree to do something about which the hearer would be pleased, usually within a period of time
(Cant.) nei5jiu3jing1sing4ngo5ziu3gu3ngo5jat1sang1jat1sai3
(Eng.) You have to promise me that you will take care of me for the rest of my life.
(Cant.) jing1sing4zo2jan4ge3je5jat1ding6jiu3zou6gaa3
(Eng.) You must keep your promise.
Synonym: Synonym: 答應 許諾
See also: 諾 許諾 答應 你推我讓 先下手為強 勉為其難 恭敬不如從命 推三推四 收回成命 既往不咎 答應 話不投機半句多 重修舊好 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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