
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baau3
Part of Speech: verb
  • to explode; to burst; to crack
    (Cant.) 爆樽baau3 zeon1
    (Eng.) to break a bottle
    (Cant.) 爆呔baau3 taai1
    (Eng.) to have a tyre burst
    (Cant.) baau3hoi1gaap3maan6
    (Eng.) to crack (and break into) the safe
    (Cant.) go3bo1baau3zo2
    (Eng.) The balloon burst.
    (Cant.) nei5aa3baa4aa3maa1jau5mou5tung4nei5gong2nei5hai6sek6tau4baau3ceot1lai4gaa3
    (Eng.) Have your parents told you that you were born from a stone?

  • to break into; to force a way; to enter with force
    (Cant.) 爆林baau3 lam4
    (Eng.) to force a way through a wood (and cut across the trees)
    (Cant.) 爆格baau3 gaak3
    (Eng.) to commit burglary

  • to let the cat out of the bag; to reveal a secret
    (Cant.) 爆料baau3 liu2
    (Eng.) to expose
    (Cant.) baau3cau2man4
    (Eng.) to expose a scandal
    (Cant.) 爆大鑊baau3 daai6 wok6
    (Eng.) to expose something bad; to uncover a big scandal
    (Cant.) 踢爆tek3 baau3
    (Eng.) to reveal; to expose
    (Cant.) keoi5zoeng1go3bei3mat6baau3zo2ceot1lai4
    (Eng.) He revealed the secret.

  • to exceed the capacity or upper limit; to be filled to capacity; to be unable to hold more; to be full
    (Cant.) 爆煲baau3 bou1
    (Eng.) to go over the limit
    (Cant.) 爆棚baau3 paang4
    (Eng.) to exceed the capacity
    (Cant.) baau3datadei1 taa4
    (Eng.) to exceed the data plan capacity
    (Cant.) baau3creditkwe1 dit4
    (Eng.) to exceed the course credit limit
    (Cant.) daa2baau3gei1
    (Eng.) to beat a computer game; to finish all levels in a computer game
    (Cant.) luk1baau3kaat1
    (Eng.) to exceed the credit (card) limit

  • to not withhold anymore; to break out
    (Cant.) 爆粗baau3 cou1
    (Eng.) to swear; to use foul language
    (Cant.) 爆發力baau3 faat3 lik6
    (Eng.) explosiveness in sports
    (Cant.) ngo5zoeng3baau3gam2gok3dou2hai2ni1go3momentmou1 man4jiu3baau3laa3
    (Eng.) At this moment, I've had a feeling that I should explode. (by Exploding, a character in the film "Shaolin Soccer")
    (Cant.) keoi5lau4lik6lau4dou3zeoi3hau6100jat1 baak3mai5sin1baau3soeng5heoi3
    (Eng.) He had saved his strength until he dashed within the final 100 metres.

  • to undergo a sudden change
    (Cant.) 爆冷baau3 laang5
    (Eng.) to produce an unexpected result; to upset (in the sense of sports)

  • to quick-fry
    (Cant.) di1syun3jiu3baau3jat1baau3sin1ceot1dou2mei6
    (Eng.) You need to stir-fry the garlic first to get the taste out.

See also: 爆香 爆發 爆炸 爆破 破裂 篤爆 爆裂
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: baau3
Part of Speech: adjective
  • full; full house; filled to capacity; unable to hold more people
    (Cant.) coeng4coeng4baau3滿mun5
    (Eng.) to play to full houses for every session
    (Cant.) mou5fei1maai6laa3baau3zo2laa3
    (Eng.) There are no tickets left. It's already a full house.

  • shocking; surprising; astonishing
    (Cant.) ngaam1ngaam1sau1dou2daan1maang5liu2hou2baau3
    (Eng.) I've just got breaking news.

  • (as a complement after a verb, an adjective or the affix dou3) intense; strong; extreme
    (Cant.) zeoi2baau3nei5
    (Eng.) to give you intense kisses
    (Cant.) lam1baau3
    (Eng.) super heart-melting
    (Cant.) jing4baau3
    (Eng.) super cool
    (Cant.) mong4dou3baau3
    (Eng.) extremely busy

Synonym: Synonym: 爆棚
See also: 全稱 滿 十足 震驚 震驚 休克 震憾 驚奇 愕然 詫異 不料 驚訝 嘩然 震撼 強烈 強烈 激烈 強度
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: baau3
Part of Speech: adverb
strongly; intensively; extremely; super; vigorously; literally: explosively
(Cant.) baau3se2man2
(Eng.) to keep writing an essay
(Cant.) keoi5gam1maan5zan1hai6baau3sok3
(Eng.) She's super hot tonight.
Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 強烈 力 重重 大力 強烈 激烈 強度 春 非常 厲害 ⋯到飛起 超級 轟烈 精力 活力 氣魄
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