
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baau3 faat3
Character Meaning:
strongly; intensively; extremely; super; vigorously; full; full house; filled to capacity; shocking; surprising; astonishing; strong; extreme; to explode; to burst; to crack; to break into; to force a way; to enter with force; to reveal a secret; to be full; to break out; to quick-fry
send out; get rich; to occur; to start; to rise; to produce; to send out; to distribute; to allocate; to spread out; to express; to develop; to become; to flourish; to feel; to expose; to discover; to invent; to whisk; to whip someone; to prosper; to be rich; to worsen; to grow a plant
Part of Speech: verb
  • to explode
    (Cant.) zaa3daan2baau3faat3
    (Eng.) explosion of a bomb
    (Cant.) ciu1san1sing1baau3faat3
    (Eng.) supernova explosion; supernova outburst

  • to erupt
    (Cant.) sau6dou3fo2saan1baau3faat3jing2hoeng2bou6fan6gwok3zai3hong4baan1goi2wai4hai2ling6jat1go3gei1coeng4gong3lok6
    (Eng.) Under the influence of volcano eruption, some international flights landed at another airport.

  • to break out
    (Cant.) baau3faat3mou5zong1cung1dat6
    (Eng.) outbreak of armed conflict
    (Cant.) gwai3zit3sing3lau4gam2baau3faat3
    (Eng.) outbreak of seasonal flu
    (Cant.) faan2zung1cing4seoi5baau3faat3
    (Eng.) anti-Chinese sentiment rises
    (Cant.) coeng4zin3zang1zung1jyu1dou1baau3faat3laa3
    (Eng.) The war finally broke out.

See also: 沸騰 一觸即發 引爆 擴散 死灰復燃 烽煙四起 翻發 肆虐 蔓延 觸發 重災 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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