
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ging1 ngaa5 ging1 ngaa6
Character Meaning:
afraid; shock; surprise; astonishment; fright; to be afraid of; to fear; to be frightened; to worry; game
surprised, shocked
Part of Speech: adjective
surprised; amazed
(Cant.) keoi5gong2ge3je5ling6jan4ging1ngaa5
(Eng.) What he says surprises me.
(Cant.) zeoi3ling6ngo5gok3dak1ging1ngaa5ge3hai6
(Eng.) The most surprising thing is ...
(Cant.) ngo5zan1hai6hou2ging1ngaa5zan1hai6jau5naam4jan2gam3gwaai1gaa3me1
(Eng.) I'm really surprised. Are there really men that are that obedient and well-behaved?
See also: 驚奇 驚異 愕然 詫異 目瞪口呆 不料 彪炳 美妙 吃驚 大惑不解 奇怪 愕然 訝異 詫異 錯愕 難以置信 驚奇 驚愕 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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