
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sing4
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • to succeed
    (Cant.) 收成sau1 sing4
    (Eng.) harvest
    (Cant.) 達成daat6 sing4
    (Eng.) to achieve
    (Cant.) 成績sing4 zik1
    (Eng.) result
    (Cant.) 成就sing4 zau6
    (Eng.) achievement
    (Cant.) 成事sing4 si6
    (Eng.) to succeed
    (Cant.) 一事無成jat1 si6 mou4 sing4
    (Eng.) to have nothing achieved or succeeded
    (Cant.) 學有所成hok6 jau5 so2 sing4
    (Eng.) to have mastered a skill; to have gained a certain command of a discipline
    (Cant.) 名成利就ming4 sing4 lei6 zau6
    (Eng.) to get famous and wealthy; to gain fame and profits
    (Cant.) 馬到功成maa5 dou3 gung1 sing4
    (Eng.) to succeed

  • to finish; to complete
    (Cant.) 事成si6 sing4
    (Eng.) (of events) to be completed
    (Cant.) 水到渠成seoi2 dou3 keoi4 sing4
    (Eng.) when conditions are ripe, success is assured

See also: 成功 得咗 完結 搞掂 壽終正寢 KO
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: seng4 sing4
Part of Speech: pronoun
  • whole; all; entire
    (Cant.) seng4sai3
    (Cant.) entire life
    (Cant.) seng4gung1gan1cung5
    (Eng.) to weigh (entirely) one kilogram

  • (before a divisible quantity) nearly, almost; or used to indicate a considerable amount ("as much as")
    (Cant.) ni1go3sau2doi2seng4cin1man1gaa3
    (Eng.) This handbag costs almost a thousand dollars.
    (Cant.) me1waa2seng4saam1maan6man1gam3do1
    (Eng.) What? As much as $30000?
    (Cant.) ming4ming4keoi5sei3dim2zung1zau6zau2dak1daan6hai6keoi5seng4luk6dim2zung1sin1zi3zau2
    (Eng.) It was clear that he was able to leave at 4 o'clock, but it was almost 6 o'clock when he left.

See also: 整整 全體 整體 終 勝 咸 所有 全部 冚唪唥
Copyrights:© 2019 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: seng4
Part of Speech: affix
used to express completion of an action
(Cant.) zou6dak1seng4daan1saang1ji3gu3jin4hou2laa1zou6m4seng4mai6dong3tok3zin2jan2mak6lo1
(Eng.) It's indeed desirable to have the deal made. Even we fail, we can still gain connections.
(Cant.) ngo5mou5man6keoi5haau2si5haau2seng4dim2aa3
(Eng.) I didn't ask how he did in his exam.
Copyrights:© 2019 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #4
Pronunciation: sing4
Part of Speech: quantifier
10%; one tenth
(Cant.) seon3nei5jat1sing4soeng1muk6sat1ming4
(Eng.) Anyone who trusts you as much as 10 percent is blind.
See also:
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Entry #5
Pronunciation: sing4
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Proper Noun
a surname, usually transliterated as "Sing"
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