
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaau2 dim6
Character Meaning:
to do; to arrange; to manage; to harass; to disturb
capable; to touch; all right; satisfactory; okay; resourceful; competent; successful
Part of Speech: verb
  • to finish; to complete
    (Cant.) faai3di1gaau2dim6di1gung1fo3keoi5laa3
    (Eng.) You'd better finish your homework quickly!
    (Cant.) zung1jyu1gaau2dim6saai3
    (Eng.) It's finally done!

  • to settle a problem; to fix a situation
    (Cant.) nei5zeoi3hou2faai3di1tung4ngo5gaau2dim6keoi5jyu4gwo2m4hai6ngo5tau4sou3nei5
    (Eng.) If you don't fix it soon, I'll file a complaint against you.

See also: 完結 竟 壽終正寢 KO 拆掂 終結 完畢 仲好講 傍住 唔湯唔水 屌你老母 快手快腳 收皮 散晒 玩完 開肚 頂唔順 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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