
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fai3
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • to abolish
    (Cant.) 廢除fai3 ceoi4
    (Eng.) to abolish
    (Cant.) 報廢bou3 fai3
    (Eng.) to be declared worthless

  • to give up
    (Cant.) 半途而廢bun3 tou4 ji4 fai3
    (Eng.) to give up halfway

  • useless
    (Cant.) 廢話fai3 waa2
    (Eng.) nonsense
    (Cant.) 廢物fai3 mat6
    (Eng.) waste
    (Cant.) 廢紙fai3 zi2
    (Eng.) waste paper
    (Cant.) 廢鐵fai3 tit3
    (Eng.) scrap metal

  • physically handicapped
    (Cant.) 殘廢caan4 fai3
    (Eng.) crippled
    (Cant.) 殘而不廢caan4 ji4 bat1 fai3
    (Eng.) disabled but not incapable

See also: 廢置 裁撤 破除 戒除 斷 罷休 戒 無謂 冇用 渣斗 揾嚟搞
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: fai3
Part of Speech: adjective
  • useless; worthless; good-for-nothing
    (Cant.) ni1go3gong2zo6zan1hai6hou2fai3heoi3m4heoi3dou1baa6laa1
    (Eng.) This talk is really worthless, don't bother to attend.
    (Cant.) ni1bou6din6nou5fai3dou3hat6baau3jung6loeng5jung6zau6waai6
    (Eng.) This laptop is worthless. I've just used it a few times and then it stopped working.

  • unsatisfactory; poor; bad at doing something; to suck
    (Cant.) ngo5duk6syu1hou2fai3gaa3nei5gaau3haa5ngo5laa1
    (Eng.) I am so bad at studying, teach me please!
    (Cant.) mat1nei5gam3fai3gaa3gam3gaan2daan1dou1m4sik1
    (Eng.) You suck. It's so simple, how could you not know?

See also: 無謂 冇用 渣斗 揾嚟搞 廢物 廢柴 報廢 躝癱 大泡和 飯桶 唔生性 爭啲 不善 清寒 貧困 窮 貧窮
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: fai3
Part of Speech: verb
  • to ruin; to destroy
    (Cant.) nei5ni1go3bun6tou4ngo5jiu3fai3nei5mou5gung1
    (Eng.) You traitor! I shall ruin your martial arts powers!

  • to abolish; to get rid of
    (Cant.) jing1goi1fai3zo2lyun4cyu5guk2keoi5
    (Eng.) We should get rid of the Federal Reserve.
    (Cant.) jyu5kei4king1din6ce1cyun4fai3man6tai4bat1jyu4fai3zo2tiu4gou1tit3sin1laa1
    (Eng.) Instead of discussing whether trams should be abolished, why not scrap the plans for the high speed rail first?

See also: 毀壞 掃 搞喎 敗壞 搞軭 銷 破壞 朽 廢置 裁撤 破除 解除 排除 卸 撇甩
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License