
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fai3 waa2
Character Meaning:
to abolish; useless; to give up; to ruin; to destroy; to get rid of; worthless; good-for-nothing; unsatisfactory; poor; to suck
to say; to talk; to tell; to scold mildly; to blame; to opine; to think; to consider; to feel that; speech
Part of Speech: noun
nonsense; idle or superfluous words (measure word: 句)
(Cant.) m4hou2gong2fai3waa2faai3di1gong2go3zan1soeng3bei2ngo5zi1
(Eng.) Stop the nonsense! Tell me the truth immediately!
(Cant.) fai3waa2ngo5gang2hai6aa3maa1saang1gaa3laa1
(Eng.) That's obvious! Of course my mother gave birth to me.
See also: 不知所謂 無厘頭尻 不明所以 唔清唔楚 假話 反話 實話 狗話 真心話 空話 自説自話 良心話 風涼話 鬼話 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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