
Entry #1
Pronunciation: caan4 fai3
Character Meaning:
disabled; in disrepair; looking old; shabby; looking tired; flawed; incomplete; to destroy; to savage; to harm; cruel; ferocious; brutal
to abolish; useless; to give up; to ruin; to destroy; to get rid of; worthless; good-for-nothing; unsatisfactory; poor; to suck
Part of Speech: adjective
physically handicapped; literally, handicapped and useless
(Cant.) 殘廢餐caan4 fai3 caan1
(Eng.) spoon-fed meal; literally, handicapped meal
(Cant.) keoi5bei2jan4daa2dou3hou2soeng1ho2nang4wui5caan4fai3dou1mei6ding2
(Eng.) The beating left him severely injured, possibly leading to disability.
(Cant.) go2ci3gaau1tung1ji3ngoi6ling6dou3keoi5bin3zo2caan4fai3
(Eng.) That accident left him crippled.
See also: 智障 傷殘 弱能 五癆七傷 五馬分屍 半身不遂 失血過多 妻離子散 殘而不廢 生不如死 身首異處 遍體鱗傷 骨瘦如柴 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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