
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baa6 jau1
Character Meaning:
strike; leave it; forget it; to stop; to cease; to strike
to stop; do not; to rest; to cease
Part of Speech: verb
(usually used in a negative sentence or rhetorical question) to stop; to give up
(Cant.) ngo5gin3m4dou2keoi5m4wui5baa6jau1
(Eng.) I won't give up until I see him.
(Cant.) nei5ji5wai4ngo5gam2zau6wui5baa6jau1me1
(Eng.) Do you think I will give up that easily?
See also: 停留 逗 救 戒除 斷 一不做二不休 善罷甘休 坐以待斃 得寸進尺 收回成命 束手就擒 束手待斃 死纏爛打 知難而退 罷手 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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