
Entry #1
Pronunciation: wai4 jiu2
Character Meaning:
to surround; big circular table; walled village; to encircle
to wind; to detour; to circle around; to wrap around
Part of Speech: verb
  • to surround; to revolve around
    (Cant.) ni1tiu4gwo3saan1ce1gwai2wai4jiu2zyu6zyu2tai4gung1jyun2go3sing4bou2
    (Eng.) This roller coaster track revolves around the castle of this amusement park.

  • to revolve around
    (Cant.) keoi5dei6ge3waa6tai4zung2hai6wai4jiu2zyu6hok6seot6
    (Eng.) Their conversation revolves around academics。

See also: 困 環繞 包圍 打轉 運轉 運行 旋轉 旋轉門 伴隨 包羅萬象 大同小異 大大小小 成雙成對 旁枝末節 無獨有偶 環環相扣 環繞 風馬牛不相及 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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