
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gam3 zai6
Character Meaning:
like; so; well; then; this; in this manner; in this way; that; such
indigestible; hard to be digested; slow, low dexterity
Part of Speech: adverb
nearly; almost
(Cant.) keoi5dei6wui5hoi1sei3coeng4jam1ngok6wui2di1fei1maai6saai3gam3zai6
(Eng.) They will have four music concerts, and the tickets are nearly sold out.
(Cant.) keoi5gam3zou6dou2je5haa5gaai3lin4jam6ngaang6gam3zai6
(Eng.) His/Her performance during this term was well, so he/she could probably stay in office.
Reference: https://www.swtang.net/doc/Cheng%20Siu%20Pong%202015%20diss.pdf https://www.swtang.net/doc/paper_2006_zai.pdf
See also: 七七八八 差不多 差點 爭啲 差唔多 幾乎 直程 險些
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