
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ne1
Part of Speech: particle
  • particle used for questions when the speaker is wondering about or pondering the issue
    (Cant.) nei5daap3gan2dei6tit3ding6baa1si2ne1
    (Eng.) Are you taking the MTR or the bus?
    (Cant.) zoeng1zi2heoi3zo2bin1ne1
    (Eng.) Where did that sheet of paper go?
    (Cant.) hai6mai6zan1hai6gam2ne1
    (Eng.) Is that really the case?
    (Cant.) sik6m4sik6daan6taat1hou2ne1
    (Eng.) Should I have an egg tart?
    (Cant.) jin4hau6ne1
    (Eng.) Then?
    (Cant.) gam2nei5ne1
    (Eng.) How about you?
    (Cant.) ho4bit1ne1
    (Eng.) Why bother?

  • particle used in a question when one is confident of the accuracy of one's guess, with a touch of boastfulness; usually lengthened significantly
    (Cant.) keoi5hai6mai6sik6m4gwaan3西sai1caan1ne1
    (Eng.) Maybe he's not used to Western food, huh?
    (Cant.) nei5sik1m4sik1dak1ni1go3neoi5zai2ne1
    (Eng.) Do you know this girl?

  • end particle used to denote the topic; subsequent discussion will be about this topic
    (Cant.) ze1hai6ne1ngo5m4hai6gam3zung1ji3tung4keoi5co5maai4jat1cai4lo1
    (Eng.) What I mean to say is, I don't really like sitting with him.
    (Cant.) daan6hai6sei2hong1ne1m4wui5hou2cou4ge3me1
    (Eng.) Isn't death growl too noisy?
    (Cant.) jyu4gwo2ni1go3jan2daa2din6waa2lai4ne1nei5tung4keoi5gong2ngo5m4hai2dou6aa1
    (Eng.) So if this person calls, tell them I'm not here.

  • used as a filler without a specific meaning; "well"; "like"; "so"
    (Cant.) jyu4gwo2ne1ngo5ne1ze1hai6ne1ji4gaa1jau6gok3dak1ne1m4hai6hou2soeng2heoi3nei5m4wui5gwaai3ngo5gaa3ho2
    (Eng.) Hey, um... What if... er... what if I don't really want to go now, would you be mad at me?

  • (when complaining or blaming someone) to replace a negative comment
    (Cant.) nei5pou1waa6faat3ne1
    (Eng.) Now, the way you put it...
    (Cant.) haak3dak1ngo5aa1zan1hai6ne1
    (Eng.) That freaked me out! It's really something.

  • used to express impatience, in the form " gei2 + adjective + 呢 ne1"
    (Cant.) nei5tai2haa5keoi5gei2leon6zeon6ne1
    (Eng.) Look at how clumsy he is!

  • uttered abruptly and used in a yes-no-form rhetoric question to blame the hearer of ignoring the speaker's reminder
    (Cant.) hai6mai6seoi1ne1dou1waa6m4hou2zaang1lok3ji4gaa1laan6zo2mou5dak1waan2laa1
    (Eng.) See? I told you not to fight over it. Now it's broken and you can't play anymore.
    (Cant.) naa4zong6can1laak3hai6mai6jai1ne1gam3taam1waan2
    (Eng.) See? You've hurt yourself now. That's what happens when you are up to no good!
    (Cant.) tai4zo2nei5gaa3laa1hai6mai6ne1
    (Eng.) I've reminded you. You see?

See also: 無恙 良好 優良 好好 有意思 般 如同 於是 唔知
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License

「呢 / 依」

Entry #2
  • nei1 , ni1
  • ji1
Part of Speech: pronoun
this; these; refers to something physically or mentally close to either the speaker or the hearer
(Cant.) ni1go3jan4
(Eng.) this person
(Cant.) ni1di1je5
(Eng.) these things
(Cant.) ni1dou6hai6si1jan4dei6fong1
(Eng.) This is private property.
(Cant.) ni1loeng5zek3maau1m4hai6ngo5gaa3
(Eng.) These two cats aren't mine.
Synonym: Synonym:
Antonym(s): Antonym(s):
See also: 這麼 今期 呢個 這些 呢啲
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License

「呢 / le」

Entry #3
  • le1
  • le le1
Part of Speech: quantifier
Labels: Loanword
(Cant.) 升呢sing1 le1
(Eng.) to level up
(Cant.) gou1le1
(Eng.) high level
(Cant.) nei5ji4gaa1gei2do1le1aa3
(Eng.) What level are you at in the game now?
(Cant.) ngo5ji4gaa163luk6 sap6 saam1le1zau6lei464luk6 sap6 sei3le1
(Eng.) I'm now at level 63, gonna be at level 64 soon.
See also: 平整 鏟平 層面
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #4
Pronunciation: le1
Part of Speech: particle
to advise and ask the hearer to do something, in a relatively tender tone
(Cant.) m4hou2waan2le1hou2juk6syun1gaa3
(Eng.) Give me a break, it's embarrassing.
(Cant.) heoi3le1gwaai1gwaai1dei2le1lou5gung1
(Eng.) Go, be good, honey (husband)!
(Cant.) bei2faan1keoi5le1mai5zing2haam3keoi5le1
(Eng.) Give it back to him, don't make him cry.
Synonym: Synonym:
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #5
Pronunciation: le2 le1
Part of Speech: expression
used as a reminder to draw one's attention
(Cant.) le2mai6hai6keoi5lo1seng4jat6soeng5din6si6go2go3siu2ming4aa3
(Eng.) Hey, that's him, Siu-ming who's often on TV.
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License

「呢 / 咧」

Entry #6
  • le4
  • le4
Part of Speech: particle
used to seek approval on a suggested course of action, especially when the speaker is confident that the interlocutor will accept it
(Cant.) ngo5tung4nei5調diu6wai2le4
(Eng.) Can we switch seats, if you don't mind? (I know you won't.)
(Cant.) gam2le4keoi5doi6nei5heoi3hou2m4hou2
(Eng.) Okay. (Here's a little suggestion.) How about if she goes instead of you?
(Cant.) ngo5dei6zou6go3gaau1jik6le4
(Eng.) Let's make a deal, shall we?
(Cant.) gei3jin4hai6keoi5siu2siu2sam1ji3lok3sau1zo2keoi5le4
(Eng.) Go ahead, take it. It's a nice little gift from him. (I think you'll like it.)
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License