
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ji4 tung4
Character Meaning:
son; child; kid
child; kid; virgin; unblemished
Part of Speech: noun
child; kid; more formal than 細路 sai3 lou6 and 小朋友 siu2 pang4 jau5 (measure word: 個 / 名)
(Cant.) ji4tung4bat1ji4
(Eng.) not suitable for children
(Cant.) ji4tung4tou4syu1gun2
(Eng.) children's library
(Cant.) ji4tung4zit3muk6
(Eng.) children's show
(Cant.) ji4tung4jing1goi1sau6dou3bou2wu6
(Eng.) Children should be protected.
(Cant.) zyun1gaa1waa6zi2jiu3zou6do1di1fan3lin6keoi5hou2daai6gei1wui6sing4wai4zi1jau1ji4tung4
(Eng.) Experts say that given more training, there's a good chance that she will become a gifted child.
Synonym: Synonym: 仔女 子女 孩子 孩童 小孩 小孩子 小朋友 細蚊仔 細路 細路仔 細路哥 細路女
See also: 屁孩 孩童 孩子 細蚊 小孩子 細路仔 花𡃁仔 講笑 中童 婦女 孌童 孩童 學童 小童 幼兒 幼童 病童 青少年 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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