
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gong2 siu3 gong2 siu2
Character Meaning:
to say; to talk; to tell; to speak; to emphasise
to laugh; to smile; to ridicule; to laugh at
Part of Speech: verb
  • to joke; to tell a joke
    (Cant.) ngo5gin3hei3fan1gam3gan2zoeng1mai6nam2zyu6gong2haa5siu3fong3sung1haa5lo1
    (Eng.) The atmosphere is too tense for me, so I made a few jokes to loosen it up.

  • to be joking; to kid around; (to be) just kidding
    (Cant.) keoi5sing4jat6gong2siu3nei5m4hou2gaai3ji3aa3
    (Eng.) Don't mind him, he is just joking.
    (Cant.) gong2haa5siu3ze1m4使sai2gam3gan2zoeng1
    (Eng.) I'm just joking. No need to be so uptight.

See also: 開玩笑 仲好講 哈哈 好恰 好惹 得啖笑 笑哈哈 老老實實 講實 講手 講真 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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