
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sai3 lou6
Character Meaning:
small; tiny; little; young; youthful; weak; soft; junior
road; path; journey; distance; way; means; sequence; line
Part of Speech: noun
  • child; kid (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) go2go3sai3lou6hou2gwai2jai5
    (Eng.) That child is really naughty.
    (Cant.) nei5sap6baat3seoi3gaa3laa3m4ho2ji5zoi3hou2ci5seng4go3sai3lou6gam2gaa3laa3
    (Eng.) You're already 18, so you've got to stop behaving like a child.

  • (Cant.) ngo5bun2loi4soeng2saang1loeng5go3sai3lou6bat1gwo3ngo5paa3joeng5m4hei2
    (Eng.) I wanted to have two children, but I'm afraid I can't afford it.

Synonym: Synonym: 仔女 兒童 子女 孩子 孩童 小孩 小孩子 小朋友 細蚊仔 細路仔 細路哥 細路女
See also: 屁孩 孩童 孩子 細蚊 小孩子 細路仔 花𡃁仔 講笑 仔女 侄仔 叔仔 婆仔 小朋友 架仔 細佬 細佬妹 細蚊仔 舅仔 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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