
Radical Search
現今jin6 gam1 (n.) nowadays; these days
faat3 (n.) the way; used after a phrase beginning with a demonstrative pronoun
鍾意zung1 ji3 / 中意zung1 ji3 (v.) to like; to be fond of
co3 (adj.) wrong; mistaken; incorrect
gau2 (adj.) sly; crafty; cunning; tricky; unworthy; of low character
公開gung1 hoi1 (v.) to open something to the public
民主man4 zyu2 (adj.) democratic
gai1 (v.) to be fired
gai1 (n.) chicken
蛋卷daan6 gyun2 / 蛋捲daan6 gyun2 (n.) barquillo; biscuit roll, cookie roll, crispy biscuit roll, egg roll, crisp biscuit roll
舉足輕重geoi2 zuk1 hing1 cung5 (adj.) to play a decisive role in; to carry a big weight in
唱碟coeng3 dip2 (n.) musical record; music disc
X光!iks1 gwong1 (n.) X-ray
回顧wui4 gu3 (v.) to review; to look back; to retrospect
遠近jyun5 kan5 (n.) physical distance; literally: far and near
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