
Entry #1
Pronunciation: si6 jing3
Character Meaning:
to wait on; to serve; to take care of
should; respond; ought to; to answer; to respond; to act against; to echo; fully accurate; completely fit; exact
Part of Speech: noun
waiter, waitress (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) aa3ji4gim1zik1faan1gan2西sai1caan1teng1si6jing3di1tip1si2dou1hai6gwai1keoi5ge3
(Eng.) Ah Yi is working as a part-time waitress in a Western restaurant. Tips are in her hand.
Synonym: Synonym: 侍應生
See also: 伙計 伙記 店員 廚師 收銀員 服務員 老板娘 老闆娘 落單 阿姐 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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