
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cou2
Part of Speech: noun
  • grass
    (Cant.) 草地cou2 dei2
    (Eng.) grassfield
    (Cant.) zin2cou2
    (Eng.) to cut the grass
    (Cant.) 雜草zaap6 cou2
    (Eng.) weed
    (Cant.) 稻草dou6 cou2
    (Eng.) straw
    (Cant.) 風吹草低見牛羊
    (Eng.) when the wind blows, the grass is disturbed, and we see the cows and sheep

  • herbaceous plants in general
    (Cant.) 四葉草sei3 jip6 cou2
    (Eng.) four-leaf clover
    (Cant.) 怕醜草paa3 cau2 cou2
    (Eng.) shameplant
    (Cant.) 薰衣草fan1 ji1 cou2
    (Eng.) lavender
    (Cant.) 豬籠草zyu1 lung4 cou2
    (Eng.) tropical pitcher plant
    (Cant.) 草藥cou2 joek6
    (Eng.) herbal medicine

  • the most attractive male in a given organization or group, such as a school
    (Cant.) 校草haau6 cou2
    (Eng.) the hottest guy in the school
    (Cant.) hai6cou2
    (Eng.) the hottest man among the faculty

See also: 草本植物
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: cou2
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • draft
    (Cant.) 起草hei2 cou2
    (Eng.) to draft
    (Cant.) 草擬cou2 ji5
    (Eng.) to draft
    (Cant.) 草案cou2 on3
    (Eng.) a draft
    (Cant.) 草約cou2 joek3
    (Eng.) draft treaty
    (Cant.) 算草紙syun3 cou2 zi2
    (Eng.) rough paper for calculation

  • careless; sloppy
    (Cant.) 草率cou2 seot1
    (Eng.) careless; sloppy; perfunctory
    (Cant.) 草草了事cou2 cou2 liu5 si6
    (Eng.) to finish up something carelessly

  • cursive
    (Cant.) 草書cou2 syu1
    (Eng.) cursive script
    (Cant.) 狂草kwong4 cou2
    (Eng.) wild cursive
    (Cant.) 潦草liu2 cou2
    (Eng.) illegible; messy (handwriting)

See also: 起草 徵兵 草擬 征調 擬訂 揸流攤 論盡 粗心大意 大意 咿㕭 草率 條條fing 哩啡
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: cou2
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Slang The Vices
cannabis; marijuana; weed
(Cant.) 隊草deoi2 cou2
(Eng.) to smoke weed
Synonym: Synonym: 420
See also: 大麻 除草 420
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License