
Entry #1
Pronunciation: pong4 daai6
Character Meaning:
enormous; gigantic; huge
big; to grow up; to intimidate; to bluff; intensely; greatly; fully; on a large scale; number two; university; large; old in age; older; senior
Part of Speech: adjective
huge; massive; enormous
(Cant.) hoi1zi1pong4daai6
(Eng.) a huge expenditure
(Cant.) sai3gaai3wai6sang1zou2zik1hai6jat1go3kwai1mou4pong4daai6ge3zou2zik1
(Eng.) The WHO is a large scale organisation.
(Cant.) keoi5san1jing4pong4daai6jyu4gwo2wan4dai1zo2zan1hai6mou5jan4to1dak1juk1keoi5
(Eng.) He has a massive frame. If he were to faint, there's really nobody that could drag him.
See also: 巨大 巨 浩大 大規模 大舉 大大 大姐大 巨大 強大 浩大 與日俱增 舉足輕重 財雄勢大 雄厚 龐然大物 龐雜 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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