
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hiu3 mun4
Character Meaning:
human's opening; a knack; a key to a problem
door; opening; school of thought; branch of study; methods, ways; gate; entrance
Part of Speech: noun
knack; technique; trick (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) jung6ni1go3tung1keoi4bam1jau5jat1di1hiu3mun4ge3
(Eng.) There's a knack to using this plunger.
(Cant.) zyu2ni1go3sung3jau5hiu3mun4gaa3
(Eng.) You need some tricks to make the dish good.
Synonym: Synonym: 秘訣 蹺妙
See also: 法寶 竅 蹺妙 要訣 功夫 手法 技巧 技術 揾丁 揾老襯 一心二用 三寸不爛之舌 十年磨一劍 熟能生巧 神龍見首不見尾 脈門 膽大心細 讀心術 過目不忘 鯉躍龍門 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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