
Entry #1
Pronunciation: caan2 mat6
Character Meaning:
to produce; to yield; to make something; to give rise to; to lead to; (a baby) to deliver; to give birth to; asset; property
matter; thing; object
Part of Speech: noun
product; outcome; can refer to both real-life entities or abstract concepts (measure word: 件)
(Cant.) 副學士係教育商品化嘅產物。
(Eng.) Associate degrees are a product of the commoditization of education.
See also: 產品 出品 效果 下文 商品 作業 物產 結果 副產品 大行其道 山頭主義 後現代 意識形態 應運而生 簡而言之 絕緣體 舶來品 資本主義 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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