
Entry #1
Pronunciation: git3 gwo2
Character Meaning:
knot; end; wrap up; finalize
fruit; result; consequence; outcome
Part of Speech: adverb
consequently; as a result
(Cant.) git3gwo2keoi5dei6dou1fan1hoi1zo2
(Eng.) In the end, they broke up.
(Cant.) git3gwo2gam1ci3ngo5dei6ceng2zo2ni1deoi6bandben1zou6biu2jin2gaa1ban1
(Eng.) Finally we invited this band to be our performing guests this time.
(Cant.) ngo5saai1zo2taai3do1si4gaan3hai2cin4min6di1tai4muk6dou6git3gwo2zou6m4saai3fan6gyun2
(Eng.) I spent too much time on the questions in the beginning. As a result, I did not finish the exam paper.
(Cant.) tou3zai2bun2loi4ling5sin1ge2daan6hai6gwaa3zyu6fan3gaau3git3gwo2wu1gwai1paa4zo2tou3zai2tau4
(Eng.) The hare was in the lead, but then fell asleep. Consequently, the tortoise overtook the hare.
(Cant.) ngo5dei6git3gwo2heoi3zo2daa2bin1lou4sik6zo2zip3gan6saam1nap1zung1
(Eng.) In the end we went out for hotpot, and were there for nearly three hours.
See also: 因此 因而 後果 以致 一如所料 一次又一次 不出所料 事倍功半 到頭來 單刀赴會 塵埃落定 所託非人 最終 無論如何 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: git3 gwo2
Character Meaning:
knot; end; wrap up; finalize
fruit; result; consequence; outcome
Part of Speech: noun
outcome; result; consequence (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) ni1gin6si6ge3git3gwo2zan1hai6ling6jan4sam1tung3
(Eng.) The outcome of this debacle is heart-wrenching.
(Cant.) bei2coi3ge3git3gwo2hou2gwo3ngo5jyu6kei4
(Eng.) The result of the match is better than I expected.
See also: 效果 下文 產物 釀成 後果 因此 以致 一如所料 一次又一次 不出所料 事倍功半 到頭來 單刀赴會 塵埃落定 所託非人 最終 無論如何 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License