
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gwo2
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • fruit
    (Cant.) 生果saang1 gwo2
    (Eng.) fruit
    (Cant.) 蘋果ping4 gwo2
    (Eng.) apple
    (Cant.) 芒果mong1 gwo2
    (Eng.) mango
    (Cant.) 奇異果kei4 ji6 gwo2
    (Eng.) kiwifruit
    (Cant.) 果肉gwo2 juk6
    (Eng.) mesocarp; pulp
    (Cant.) 果汁gwo2 zap1
    (Eng.) fruit juice

  • result; consequence; outcome
    (Cant.) 惡果ok3 gwo2
    (Eng.) bad result
    (Cant.) 因果jan1 gwo2
    (Eng.) cause and effect
    (Cant.) 自食其果zi6 sik6 kei4 gwo2
    (Eng.) to reap what one has sown; to face the consequences of one's own action
    (Cant.) jau5gwo2bit1jau5jan1
    (Eng.) what goes around comes around

See also: 水果 果子 釀成 效果 後果 功 下文 產物 生果
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