
Entry #1
Pronunciation: waan4 siu3 wun6 siu3
Character Meaning:
to play; to have fun with; to be unserious; to joke; to trifle with; to treat lightly
to laugh; to smile; to ridicule; to laugh at
Part of Speech: noun
joke; prank (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) 開玩笑hoi1 waan4 siu3
(Eng.) to joke; to make fun of someone
(Cant.) bun2loi4jat1hoi1ci2ni1go3hai6jat1go3waan4siu3
(Eng.) Originally, this was just a prank.
See also: 開玩笑 講笑 笑話 整鬼 嚟真 奸笑 嬉笑 無厘頭 玩世不恭 眉開眼笑 破涕為笑 笑話 自嘲 説笑 調笑 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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