
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sik1 jat6
Character Meaning:
the past
day; sun; daytime; shorthand for Japan; 24 hours
Part of Speech: noun
in the old days; in the past; usually used to contrast the past and the present
(Cant.) go2gaan1uk1sik1jat6hai6jat1go3fo2ce1zaam6
(Eng.) That house used to be a railway station.
(Cant.) sik1jat6ni1baan1sai3lou6zai2gam1jat6ji5ging1zoeng2daai6sing4jan4
(Eng.) These children of the past have all grown into adults today.
See also: 往時 從前 舊時 歷來 舊底 名噪一時 往日 往昔 從前 撫今追昔 時至今日 曾幾何時 滄海桑田 當年 舊日 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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