
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lik6 loi4
Character Meaning:
to go through; to experience
to come; to arrive; come; to bring something
Part of Speech: adverb
throughout history; in history; in the past
(Cant.) lik6loi4zeoi3daai6
(Eng.) the largest in history
(Cant.) hoeng1gong2lik6loi4gwaa3gwo3gei2do1ci3sap6hou6fung1kau4
(Eng.) How many times was typhoon signal number 10 hoisted in Hong Kong in the past?
Synonym: Synonym: 史上 有史以來
See also: 史上 昔日 從前 舊時 舊底 西史 正史 過去 前所未見 古今中外 古往今來 史上 史無前例 有史以來 歷年 毫無疑問 破紀錄 空前絕後 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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