
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gau6 si4 gau6 si2
Character Meaning:
past; old; historical; worn out; former; ago; before; earlier; used as a prefix
o'clock; times; days
Part of Speech: noun
in the olden days; in the (distant) past
(Cant.) gau6si2ni1dou6hai6hoi2lai4gaa3
(Eng.) In the past, there used to be water here.
(Cant.) gau6si4mou5din6nou5se2seon3jiu3jung6sau2se2gaa3
(Eng.) There weren't computers in the past. If you wanted to write a letter you would need to write it by hand.
Synonym: Synonym: 舊陣時
See also: 昔日 從前 歷來 舊底 古時候 名噪一時 埠頭 大埠 大户人家 家下 文房四寶 老襯亭 舊底 舊日 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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