
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bai6
Part of Speech: morpheme
to die
(Cant.) 暴斃bou6 bai6
(Eng.) to die suddenly
(Cant.) 斃命bai6 ming6
(Eng.) to lose one's life
(Cant.) 坐以待斃zo6 ji5 doi6 bai6
(Eng.) to await one's doom; literally: to sit still and wait for death
(Cant.) 作法自斃zok3 faat3 zi6 bai6
(Eng.) to suffer the consequences of one's own doing; to bring destruction upon oneself; to walk into destruction; "you ask for it"; literally: to be executed by the law made by oneself
(Cant.) 槍斃coeng1 bai6
(Eng.) to execute by firing squad
(Cant.) 擊斃gik1 bai6
(Eng.) to kill somebody with a single move, usually by gunshot
Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 逝世 去世 投胎 一命嗚呼 瓜老襯 玩完 釘 冚旗 死
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