
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sai6 sai3
Character Meaning:
to pass; to disappear; to die; to pass away
age; era; world; life; lifetime
Part of Speech: verb
(formal; euphemism) to pass away; to die
(Cant.) cin4zung2tung2jan1beng6sai6sai3
(Eng.) The former president lost his battle with the illness.
Synonym: Synonym: 仙遊 死亡 與世長辭 謝世 辭世 過身 離世
See also: 正式 正經 正規 去世 投胎 一命嗚呼 手續 瓜老襯 玩完 釘 冚旗 死 去世 死忌 病逝 與世長辭 英年早逝 身亡 辭世 過世 過身 離世 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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