
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zing2 go3
Character Meaning:
to make; the whole; the entire; neat; tidy; organized; well arranged; to create; to repair; to fix; to harass; to annoy; to prank
(measure); dollar
Part of Speech: pronoun
Labels: Mandarin
entire; whole
(Chi.) taa1zing2go3jan4dou1bang1kui2liu5
(Cant.) keoi5seng4go3jan4dou1bang1kui2zo2
(Eng.) He collapsed completely.
(Chi.) taa1dik1lim5zing2go3dou1hung4liu5
(Cant.) keoi5faai3min6seng4go3dou1hung4saai3
(Eng.) Her whole face turns red.
(Chi.) zing2go3si6seon4baak6sik1zong1wong4
(Cant.) sing4gaan1dou1hai6seon4baak6sik1zong1wong4
(Eng.) The whole (room) is with white decor.
See also: 所有 整整 冚唪唥 全體 整體 一下子 一夜之間 一氣呵成 一籌莫展 分崩離析 四分五裂 大大小小 實實在在 支離破碎 由上而下 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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