
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zuk1
Part of Speech: verb
  • to hold; to grasp
    (Cant.) zuk1zyu6m4hou2fong3aa3
    (Eng.) Hold on tight and don't let go!

  • to catch; to capture
    (Cant.) 捕捉bou6 zuk1
    (Eng.) to catch
    (Cant.) zuk1caak2
    (Eng.) to catch a thief
    (Cant.) maau1zuk1lou5syu2
    (Eng.) cat catches mouse; cat chases mouse

  • to spot something negative or to catch somebody doing something (usually which they do not want seen)
    (Cant.) 捉姦zuk1 gaan1
    (Eng.) to catch adulterers in the act
    (Cant.) 捉字虱zuk1 zi6 sat1
    (Eng.) to find fault with the choice of words; to be fastidious about wording; literally: to pick up a flea from a word
    (Cant.) zuk1co3cyu3
    (Eng.) to find mistakes
    (Cant.) jau5ci3ngo5zuk1dou2go3hok6saang1haau2si5zok3bai6daan6keoi5sei2dou1m4jing6
    (Eng.) One time I spotted a student cheat in an exam, but she denied everything.

  • to demand someone's accompany or presence
    (Cant.) zuk1hok6saang1king1gai2
    (Eng.) to request a particular student to talk together
    (Cant.) aa3tau2zuk1zo2ngo5lok6lau4haa6sik6zou2caan1
    (Eng.) My supervisor asked me to go down and eat breakfast together.

  • to play chess
    (Cant.) zuk1fei1hang4kei2
    (Eng.) to play aeroplane chess
    (Cant.) sai3lou2tung4tung4hok6zuk1gan2dau3sau3kei2wo3nei5zuk1m4zuk1aa3
    (Eng.) Your brother is playing Jungle with his classmates. Do you want to play?

See also: 召開 領悟 揪 捕捉 擒獲 擄 奪取 捕獲
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