
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baau1 wai4
Character Meaning:
to wrap; bag; package; pack; packet; to pack up; to wrap up; to surround; to enclose; to guarantee; to assure; to hire exclusively; to charter; to include; to contain
to surround; big circular table; walled village; to encircle
Part of Speech: verb
to surround; to besiege; to encircle; to close in
(Cant.) go3din6jing2ming4sing1bei2hou2do1jing2mai4baau1wai4zyu6
(Eng.) The movie star was surrounded by lots of fans.
See also: 困 環繞 圍攻 逼近 圍堵 全副武裝 包抄 圍困 圍堵 圍攻 夜襲 破門而入 突襲 荷槍實彈 驅趕 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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