
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cong3
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • to establish; to found; to create
    (Cant.) 創辦cong3 baan6
    (Eng.) to set up; to establish
    (Cant.) 創立cong3 laap6
    (Eng.) to establish
    (Cant.) 創始cong3 ci2
    (Eng.) to found; to establish; to initiate
    (Cant.) 創業cong3 jip6
    (Eng.) to start a business
    (Cant.) 開創hoi1 cong3
    (Eng.) to innovate
    (Cant.) 創舉cong3 geoi2
    (Eng.) pinoeering work
    (Cant.) 創新cong3 san1
    (Eng.) innovative
    (Cant.) 創意cong3 ji3
    (Eng.) creativity
    (Cant.) 創作cong3 zok3
    (Eng.) creation
    (Cant.) 自創zi6 cong3
    (Eng.) to create by oneself
    (Cant.) 創造cong3 zou6
    (Eng.) to create
    (Cant.) cong3san1gou1
    (Eng.) to hit an all-time high

  • injured; hurt
    (Cant.) 創傷cong3 soeng1
    (Eng.) wound; injury
    (Cant.) 重創cung5 cong3
    (Eng.) severe injury
    (Cant.) 微創mei4 cong3
    (Eng.) minimally invasive surgery

See also: 開辦 創始 設 立 創立 成立 創作 原創 創造 制 傷者 負傷 頭破血流 打擊 整親 傷害 傷及 損
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