
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sing4 laap6 sing4 lap6
Character Meaning:
to accomplish; 10%; one tenth; to succeed; to finish; to complete; whole; all; entire
to stand; to be upright; to be vertical; to be erect; immediate; instantaneous; to found; to set up
Part of Speech: verb
  • to establish; to found; to set up
    (Cant.) zing3fu2gau6nin4zau6ni1go3ji5tai4sing4laap6zyun1zaak3wai2jyun4wui2
    (Eng.) The government established an ad-hoc committee for the issue last year.
    (Cant.) hoeng1gong2daai6hok6hai21911jat1 gau2 jat1 jat1nin4sing4laap6
    (Eng.) The University of Hong Kong was founded in 1911.

  • (of views) to be tenable
    (Cant.) zeoi6ming4sing4laap6
    (Eng.) to be found guilty
    (Cant.) nei5ni1zung2gong2faat3jau5lo4cap1mau6ng6bing6m4sing4laap6
    (Eng.) What you say has logical fallacies and thus is not tenable.

See also: 開辦 創始 設 立 創立 架設 擺設 創立 加入 擁立 籌組 自組 解散 設立 開設 開辦 首辦 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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