
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ting4
Part of Speech: verb
  • to stop; to cease; to halt; to pause
    (Cant.) 停課ting4 fo3
    (Eng.) class suspension
    (Cant.) 停牌ting4 paai4
    (Eng.) license suspension
    (Cant.) 停產ting4 caan2
    (Eng.) to cease production
    (Cant.) 停電ting4 din6
    (Eng.) power outage
    (Cant.) saat3ce1gap1ting4
    (Eng.) to brake and stop abruptly
    (Cant.) cing2ting4bat1
    (Eng.) Please stop writing!
    (Cant.) coeng4jyu5zung1jyu1ting4zo2
    (Eng.) It's stopped raining, finally.

  • (of cars) to be parked; (of ships) to lie at anchor
    (Cant.) gaa3ce1ting4hai2daai6mun4dak1laa3
    (Eng.) Just park your car at the entrance.

See also: 停留 逗 救 罷 止 壽終正寢 停止 駐足
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