
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ting4 zi2
Character Meaning:
to stop; to cease; to halt; to pause; a kind; a sort
stop; till; to stop; to cease; to prohibit; to forbid
Part of Speech: verb
to stop; to cease; to halt; to suspend
(Cant.) ting4zi2jing4jip6
(Eng.) suspension of business
Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 繼續
See also: 停留 逗 救 罷 止 壽終正寢 駐足 懸掛 中斷 懸 吊 截停 中止 休止 停經 叫停 撤消 收回成命 暫停 為止 終止 重啓 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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