
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bin6
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • convenient
    (Cant.) 方便fong1 bin6
    (Eng.) convenient
    (Cant.) 便於bin6 jyu1
    (Eng.) to be convenient to
    (Cant.) 自便zi6 bin6
    (Eng.) at one's convenience; as one pleases; suit oneself
    (Cant.) bat1便bin6zi1cyu5
    (Eng.) inconvenience
    (Cant.) nei5ceot1heoi3tung4ngo5maai5baau1jin1便bin6m4便bin6
    (Eng.) Would you buy me a cigarette while you're at it?

  • casual; informal
    (Cant.) 便服bin6 fuk6
    (Eng.) casual wear
    (Cant.) 便條bin6 tiu4
    (Eng.) memo
    (Cant.) 便衣警bin6 ji1 ging2
    (Eng.) police officer in plain clothes

  • chance; opportunity
    (Cant.) jan1lei6sing4便bin6
    (Eng.) take the tide at the flood

  • faeces; excrement
    (Cant.) daai6siu2ji6便bin6
    (Eng.) urinating and defecating
    (Cant.) 便秘bin6 bei3
    (Eng.) constipation
    (Cant.) 便意bin6 ji3
    (Eng.) desire to urinate or defecate

See also: 簡便 街坊裝 hea 漫 casual 非正式 機會 可能性 可能 商機 時機
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: bin6
Part of Speech: adverb
Labels: Mandarin
  • immediately; upon which
    (Chi.) taa1zoeng6fu1jat1soeng5baan1taa1便bin6ziu1taa1leon4geoi1lou2wong2zeon3uk1liu2
    (Cant.) keoi5lou5gung1jat1faan1gung1keoi5zau6giu3keoi5leon4geoi1lou2wong2jap6uk1laa3
    (Eng.) When her husband went to work, she invited her neighbour Wong to her house at once.

  • how/why/what on earth
    (Chi.) ngo5dong1gwo3zing3dong2sat6zaap6便bin6bat1si6ze2loei3hok6saang1便bin6mut6jau5zi6jau4ji3zi3
    (Cant.) ngo5zou6gwo3zing3dong2sat6zaap6zau6m4hai6ni1dou6ge3hok6saang1zau6mou5zi6jau4ji3zi3
    (Eng.) I have worked in the party as an intern. But why on earth does that mean I am not a student here? And I don't have free will?

  • already
    (Chi.) zok6tin1naa5go3zin2laam5便bin6hoi1ci2liu5
    (Cant.) cam4jat6go2go3zin2laam5zau6hoi1ci2zo2laa3
    (Eng.) The exhibition started since yesterday.

  • to indicate causal relationship
    (Chi.) jyu4gwo2haa6jyu5leoi5hang4便bin6wui6ceoi2siu1
    (Cant.) jyu4gwo2lok6jyu5go3leoi5hang4zau6wui6ceoi2siu1
    (Eng.) The trip will be cancelled if it rains.

See also: 立刻 即 即 馬上 固有 已經
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: bin6
Part of Speech: affix
suffix for directional/positional noun
(Cant.) 開便hoi1 bin6
(Eng.) outside
(Cant.) 呢便nei1 bin6
(Eng.) this side
(Cant.) go2便bin6
(Eng.) that side
(Cant.) 埋便maai4 bin6
(Eng.) inside
(Cant.) zo2sau2便bin6
(Eng.) left-hand side
(Cant.) dung1便bin6
(Eng.) east
(Cant.) 後便hau6 bin6
(Eng.) back side
(Cant.) ngo5hau6便bin6mou5jan4
(Eng.) There is no one behind me.
(Cant.) 邊便bin1 bin6
(Eng.) Where?
Synonym: Synonym:
See also:
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